Thursday, May 26, 2011

TSA Threatens Texas

In what can only be called a ruthless threat of total economic warfare, the TSA has threatened to enforce an economic blockade of Texas if the state legislature passes its bill criminalizing the TSA's lewd pat-downs that have agents reaching down the pants of innocent travelers

The TSA threatens economic warfare against Texas
The gloves are off, folks. The TSA is now engaged in what can only be called an act of economic warfare against the state of Texas. This rogue agency, which is staffed with power-hungry pedophiles, perverts and porn distributors (, is already asserting its false power and threatening one of the largest economies in the world -- the state of Texas -- with severe economic harm if its lawmakers don't cave in to the TSA's tyrannical demands.

Just to be perfectly clear what you're witnessing here, the TSA is saying that if your state stands up for the Fourth Amendment rights of its own citizens, then the federal government will shut down all your airports and refuse to allow airplanes to take off or land in your state. This is a form of economic tyranny being conducted by rogue federal agents who are threatening to turn Texas into a no-fly zone.

This is an act of war against Texas.

NOTE: Please read and consider this article very seriously. This is the federal government declaring war upon a state. The laws of this country were written differently. In ignorance we are being choked into tyranny.

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