Monday, April 23, 2012

Police State Indoctrination Of Children

'A police officer walks into a middle school classroom. No, this is not the opening line of a joke, this actually happened at a local school and maybe happening in a school near you. The police officer proceeded to tell the class that, disrupting the class was a felony and she would have no problem arresting a kid, taking them directly to jail, and not even calling the kids' parents. This from an officer said to have expressed her desire for something to happen at school since she misses patrolling the street.

Another interesting point is that this teacher had, only a few months back, covered The Constitution and Bill of Rights in her classes. The same teacher then brought in a uniformed officer to tell kids their rights would be trampled if they dared disrupt the class. During my time in school it was not uncommon that a class would have 36 students, some of them unruly, to one teacher. Yet, I don't remember a teacher ever calling an officer in to handle their classroom for them.'

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