On this one year anniversary of the six reactors damaged at the Fukushima Daiichi complex, three of which are in ongoing meltdown, the crisis has not resolved. Early on, physics Professor Michio Kaku warned, “Meltdown is forever”. As the entire biosphere is being contaminated with radioactive isotopes in the air, food and water, information crucial to public health has been withheld, distorted and minimized by corporate controlled international media outlets.
Their reasons are all some variation of “we don’t want to create panic” and therefore the most accurate and useful information has been taken up by alternative media and the blogosphere. From Japan one finds valuable postings at http://fukushima-diary.com and http://ex-skf.blogspot.com, and here in the USA www.rense.com has provided ongoing, in- depth coverage including frequent interviews with Japanese environmental reporter Yoichi Shimatsu and Michael Collins of www.enviroreporter.com.
We are learning more on a daily basis and the news is not good. With various half-lives the following are some of the radioactive components of the venomous vapors spewing forth from Fukushima:
Iodine 131 (8 days)
Cesium 137 (30 years)
Strontium 90 (29 years)
Plutonium 239 (24,000 years)
Uranium 235 (700 million years)
And it gets worse. A January 27, 2012 U.C. Davis report, “Uranyl peroxide enhanced nuclear fuel corrosion in seawater” spells out a heretofore unseen danger:
The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident brought together compromised irradiated fuel and large amounts of seawater in a high radiation field. Based on newly acquired thermochemical data for a series of uranyl peroxide compounds containing charge-balancing alkali cations, here we show that nanoscale cage clusters containing as many as 60 uranyl ions, bonded through peroxide and hydroxide bridges, are likely to form in fuel and being thermodynamically stable and kinesthetically persistent in the absence of peroxide, they can potentially transport over long distances.
This report was a joint project of U.C. Davis, Sandia National Laboratories Department of Civil engineering and Geological Sciences, The University of Notre Dame and its Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and published in January 23, 2012 in Proceedings of the National Academy of Science ,journal.
These nanoscale cage clusters of Buckminsterfullerenes are also known as “bucky balls” due their spherical shape with multiple flat sides similar to the trademark geodesic domes designed by inventor and futurist, Buckminster Fuller. Radioactive bucky balls were formed as seawater was poured over the molten cores of the damaged reactors, turning water into peroxide – creating bucky ball broth which can exist independent of peroxide.
Although uranium is heavier than water, uranyl filled, fused-ring bucky balls are lighter and more mobile in water. Thus they are able to quickly transport Fukushima contaminated ocean water all along the Pacific Rim and infuse the marine food chain. These hot particles are virtually indestructible, radiate and are potentially carcinogenic if inhaled. Ocean borne bucky balls are also transported through the winds, sea spray and mists which can be carried as far as 300 km inland.
The discovery of these silent killing bucky balls carries dire implications for the 44 nations of the Pacific Rim. At present, the US Environmental Protection Agency and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration are not testing for Fukushima melt-down radiation
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