What is the maddest thing going on in Britain today? There may be many competitors for that title.
The Government’s plan to ring our coasts with vast offshore wind farms.
The Government’s offshore wind farm plans would, by 2020, cost £100 billion – scarcely a state secret, since the Government itself announced this three years ago – plus £40 billion more to connect these windmills to the grid, a figure given us by the National Grid last year.
Helm did not tell us that this £140 billion equates to £5,600 for every household in the country. But he did admit that the plan was “staggeringly expensive”, and that, given the current extent of “fuel poverty” and the state of our economy, he doubted “if it can in fact be afforded”.
Helm did not tell us that this £140 billion equates to £5,600 for every household in the country. But he did admit that the plan was “staggeringly expensive”, and that, given the current extent of “fuel poverty” and the state of our economy, he doubted “if it can in fact be afforded”.
This is capable of generating 882MW at a capital cost of £400 million – just £500,000 for each megawatt. Thus the wind farm is 22 times more expensive, and could only be built because its owners will receive a 200 per cent subsidy: £40 million a year, on top of the £20 million they will get for the electricity itself. This we will all have to pay for through our electricity bills, whereas the unsubsidised cost of power from the gas plant, even including the price of the gas, will be a third as much.
NOTE: Wind Turbines do not function 70% of the time and have not replaced even one fossil fuel plant.
There is an expensive downside to industrial turbines. Physicians worldwide report people near turbines suffer migraines, sleep problems, nausea, exhaustion, irritability, heart palpitations, stress, depression, anxiety, epileptic seizures, high blood pressure, tinnitus & vertigo in otherwise healthy people!.
The WHOOSING, SCREECHING, VIBRATION and LIGHTS cause “Vibro Acoustic Disease” & “Wind Turbine Syndrome.” The Turbines and hundreds of flashing red lights obliterate the night sky, our tranquility, continue to distract drivers and have killed hundreds of Raptors & Golden Eagles soaring at that height.
Wind turbines produce significantly less power than predicted, are hopelessly uneconomical, require conventional power back up forcing power stations to run inefficiently, resulting in higher CO2 levels! They blemish the landscape, damage the local economy, are a detriment to tourism, obliterate property values and are rightly regarded as an environmental monstrosity.
In early 2009 the Socialist government of Spain reduced alternative energy subsidies by 30%.
"At that point the whole pyramid collapsed. They are firing thousands of people. BP closed down the two largest solar production plants in Europe. They are firing between 25,000 and 40,000 people...."
"What do we do with all this industry that we have been creating with subsidies that now is collapsing? The bubble is too big. We cannot continue pumping enough money.
...The President of the Renewable Industry in Spain (wrote a column arguing that) ...the only way is finding other countries that will give taxpayers' money away to our industry to take it and continue maintaining these jobs."
And that country, sadly is the United States...giving away your money for foreign interests.
A must read wind site from Oregon:
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