Tuesday, August 23, 2011

#Fullerton Outraged At Police Brutality~ Want Chief To Resign

NOTE: This is excellent, no rioting, PEACEFUL, lawful holding public servants feet to the fire, as it should be. The way the system works is that the city council APPOINTS the police chief and they can fire him.

How about a Nation Wide Police Brutality List? Every cop that has fired a taser against a person, every copy on "administrative" leave should be required to be put on this list, available online. These Oath Breakers have to be stopped....LAWFULLY!

Isn't it a treat to see a humble police chief? Forced into being humble at this moment. The man needs to learn about healthy eating, he is obese.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Why is the cop that is beating defenseless Kelly wearing riot gear? That tells me he is just going out looking for a fight even if he has to beat up some poor innocent guy! What ever happened to innocent until PROVEN guilty! The officers and the police chief should get the same punishment that was given to Kelly, nothing less and then they need to be tared and feathered, fired and then run out of town on a rail like the old days. They need to live a long time so they can remember everyday what they did or are they too stupid!? Its like the devil has taken over the world! We need to take away all the combat gear that cops have now and bring back "officer friendly" for the greater good of the people!
