NOTE: Since I don't own a TV, I'm not connected with the mainstream babble. This is the first I've heard of this event.
Personally, I believe that demonstrations are counter productive and that they are a good excuse for the PTB to stomp in your face, and what will that have accomplished. Who is actually planning this alleged event? Don't go.
The article is below:
This information came out of Idaho, but this is being staged across the entire 50 states! We need to be aware and let others know, especially those that live in the capitals, or have businesses there. If you've seen the riots taking place in Greece, or those in the Middle East, you see a sample of what it looks like they are planning.
Let's hope that either few show up, that they stay peaceful, or that the law enforcement agencies are able to thwart it before it occurs....
September 17th, 2011 is set to be a Day of Rage. The leftists call this a non-violent event, yet their website, Craigslist ads and Facebook postings include information on how to resist arrest, protest in jail and fight the legal system. The anarchists, Marxists and communists have put together a plan, from start to finish, to takeover America.
There will be trouble.
The only real question, at this point, is what are the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, the NSA and others going to do to stop this? So far, no one in the media is talking about this insurrection, aside from Glenn Beck who told of it months ago. What will you and your family do to do be safe and save our way of life? It is obvious that the commander in chief has no intention of stopping this coming event, these are, after all, his political base.
The purveyors of the Day of Rage have done their best to make their cause sound as if it is Libertarian or Conservative, but as one reads through the material, it becomes apparent that they are masking their origins and intent. Corporations are blamed for much of the ills, including the suppression of “free and fair elections“.
Hiding under the guise of ‘one person/one vote’ and campaign finance reform, fitting the ideology of B. Hussein Obama, as stated in his chastising of the Supreme Court during his State of the Union Address, they seek to implement social justice and a democracy, undermining the republic and electoral college process, turning elections into a popularity contest.
The Anti-American organizers of this even, seek to have protests in all fifty state capitols, the nations capitol and to crush the capitalist economy by disrupting Wall Street. Despite repeatedly stating their goal is non-violence, this subversive organization lists the following among their plans:
* They call for civil disobedience and include plans on how to disrupt court, arrest and the jail system.
* Civil disobedience training is available.
* Directions on responding with resistance to being restrained.
The only remaining question is: What will you do? Are you prepared to protect and defend your family? Can you defend your property? Will you have food and water, or have you not prepared? Do you have the gravitas to support local law enforcement when they come under attack trying to contain these violent, non-violent protests?
Are you prepared for Martial Law? Do you have your survival networks established? Safe houses? Do you possess the constitution, the depth of face to go as far as is needed to preserve the Republic? If not, are you prepared to tell your children and grandchildren that you were unprepared or a coward and that is why they now live in a crumbling, third world country that is a utopia for only the elite and the rich? America, your time is now
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