Monday, June 13, 2011

Prepared For 60% Utility Rate Increase?

Only a few days ago I wrote about how Obama's new EPA rules would force Americans to pay up to 60% more on their electric bills. This weekend, the Chicago Tribune said the same thing.

Leading off saying, "Consumers could see their electricity bills jump an estimated 40 t 60 percent in the next few years," the Trib went on to highlight the same destructive EPA rules I wrote about on Friday. (VIDEO ON NEXT PAGE)

Coal-fired plants historically have been one of the cheapest ways to generate electricity, but operating costs are expected to increase significantly because of upgrades needed on older plants to meet new environmental regulations. The Illinois Power Agency estimates that by 2017 the energy portion of bills could jump 65 percent from today's rates

Read more:

NOTE: When someone in position promises that your rates will increase, I tend to believe them, don't you? Can you afford any increase? Can you continue to afford increases in gas, utilities and day to day living?

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