While strolling the net, I hear a lot of buzz lately about how dirty organic processing is because free-range cattle poop on the ground where plants are grown that people eat, and that all organic seeds should be irradiated to kill the deadly e-coli pathogens inherent in this system. That is the spin, based on half-truths and outright lies. The truth is, organic farming has proven to be safer and healthier than its factory farm cousins. Poop from organic, free-range cows that lands on the soil is not the problem.
I grow my veggies in organic poop, and have never been sick from a head of cabbage, bean sprout, or beet. So, either this latest “threat” in the form of e-coli was a concocted event intended to lead to the eradication of organics or simply an advantageous situation that is being exploited by the powers that be. Either way, here is a possible anticipated outcome:
What if the deadly e-coli outbreak in Germany that was blamed on organic sprouts with no direct proof, but through circumstantial evidence only, was instituted as part of a deliberate campaign to sway public opinion in favor of compliance with Codex regulations and to call for the irradiation of organic seeds?
Whether the contamination came from the water, seeds, was genetically engineered in a lab specifically for this purpose, or was a natural and unreported product of the genetic engineering process and high rate of GM contamination we are currently experiencing, makes no difference at this point to the people, and I use that term lightly, who are taking advantage of every situation to turn it to their favor and make a fast buck off others’ misery.
NOTE: Living rurally, it's impossible to stretch my imagine to believe that people actually believe that organic compost or manure is somehow unhealthy. Until industrial farming took over to contaminate and poison the earth, crops and people with toxic chemicals, all farming was done using natural, organic imputs. In other words, composted, or aged manures of various types, along with everything that is compostable.
Personally, for our garden we use a combination of goat, horse, llama manure mixed with urine soak straw. This ages and then is applied to the soil. We don't till. In just a season or two the most gorgeous, fertile soil is created using only what is readily available on most farm type properties.
It's a circle.
You eat organic produce from your garden, the trimmings and "waste" is given to the goats, chickens, horses and they in turn provide manure that is used for compost to be applied to the garden. Efficient and really nothing tastes better than fresh from the garden. Please don't fall for the nonsense that using nature's remedies creates problems. It doesn't.
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