Saturday, June 30, 2012

Obama Care Approved & IRS Will Be The Enforcer

In a victory for President Obama, and a travesty for the Middle Class, the Supreme Court upheld Obama’s health care mandate empowers the IRS to begin to regulate Americans’ health care by 2014.

Expect IRS thugs armed with shotguns knocking at your door to fine you $695 per person (or $2,085 per household) for failure to purchase health insurance, if you fail to pay the outrageous fine, expect to be sued by the IRS. The revised health care law has removed the penalty of $250,000 and imprisonment of up to five years.

This historical Supreme Court ruling allows the federal government to force citizens to enter a contract with private corporations to buy health insurance. This is happening just days before 4th of July, when America won its Independence from British tyranny, and now we face the same tyranny today.

By 2014 all Americans will have to submit or face being fined and sued by the IRS. The American people are already struggling financially with record unemployment, inflation, and trillions of dollars in national debt, by the time health insurance becomes mandatory the middle class will be financially bankrupt.

This is the reason why the military and police are preparing martial law in U.S. streets, because people will revolt against the system that has turned us into financial slaves. They are conditioning Americans right now with military and police checkpoints, speed traps, using Army drones to spy on us, rolling out the tanks, and putting military goons on residential streets to prepare us for what is to come in the near future.

The Bilderberg Group discussed in Spain about wanting to level America into a 3rd world impoverished nation, where we’re all poor under World Government Dictatorship. Soon the American standard of living will drop significantly, services will be cut, taxes will increase until we become so poor that we are unable to fight, resistance will be futile.

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