Monday, December 5, 2011

Does TSA Stand For Tyranical Stupid Americans?

Among other things, tyranny is stupid.

The other day, a clearly dangerous Enemy of Freedom – a pregnant 17-year-old white American teenage girl named Vanessa Gibbs – was threatened with a “federal offense” by a TSA baboon while trying to get on her flight from Norfolk, Va. back home to Jacksonville, Florida because (wait for it) she had a Western-style leather purse embossed with a decorative and clearly not real gun on its side. The TSA baboon, flushed with its authority, could probably tell the difference but found it now enjoyed the excuse to not merely harass but terrorize a teenage girl, who found herself under the baboon’s arbitrary power.

“She was like, ‘This is a federal offense because it’s in the shape of a gun,’ ” Gibbs told the Associated Press. “I’m like, ‘But it’s a design on a purse. How is it a federal offense?’ ”

Because the baboon says so.

This incident is far from unique or isolated.

The TSA has repeatedly shown both stupidity and malice – the ugly yin-yan of police states throughout history. This is deliberate, even if it’s not formally expressed in overt policy. Because the goal is not “protecting our freedom” or even “security.”

It is to frighten, demean and cow the citizenry. To make it clear to them that arbitrary power may be exerted over them at any time – and from which there is no appeal.

Submit. Obey.

This is the true purpose of the “tools” given to an army of low-rent mall security guards empowered with very real weaponry and fearsome authoritay. Note carefully that these people are typically the dregs of society – people with little education and not much intelligence. And with no respect whatsoever for your rights. People who, by definition, are antithetical to what America – and being an American – once meant.

The kind of people just itching to finally have some power over their fellow men (and women, too). They are precisely the same kinds of people who formed the cohorts of the Khmer Rouge, the Red Guards and, of course, the SA. The state knows such people are ready to be, as the author Jonah Goldhagen put it, the willing executioners of the state. They are eager to do it. Anyone who has traveled recently and witnessed the system in action is well-aware of this.

These creeps like their work.

What sort of creature would, for example, willingly force elderly (and often crippled) people to drop their Depends? Make a small child spread its arms and legs like a felon and submit to being handled? Threaten a clearly harmless teenage girl with a “federal offense” because of a design on her purse?

In a word, what sort of thing would spend its working days belittling people and making them feel its power over them? Think about it. I am not being harsh – I am stating an uncomfortable truth that we’d better confront real soon, before it’s too late.

These people don’t give a fig for your rights – let alone your dignity. The only thing that matters to them is…

Submit. Obey.

Do not question. Do not dare to talk back. Do As You Are Told. Immediately.

Or else.

Such people – people who willingly sign up for such duty – are loathsome. Beneath contempt. Despicable. Do not tell me “it’s just a job” or “I need the money.” Adolf Eichmann told us it was “just a job,” also. If you take it upon yourself to assault innocent people, whether as a private thug or a uniformed thug acting under color of law, you are nonetheless a thug.

And should be regarded as such by all decent people.

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