Saturday, September 3, 2011

Tennesse Town Stops Fluoridation

Rather than wait for new federal guidelines, city leaders have opted to quit adding fluoride to city water altogether. The Spring Hill Board of Mayor and Aldermen voted unanimously Monday for the change.

“I grew up on a farm, and we had well water. The first cavity I had was treated by Dr. Gardner, and I was 36 years old,”

NOTE: Fluoride=hazardous waste

Naturally fluoridated water comes in the form of calcium fluoride, is calcium based and good for bones and teeth, while the chemically dumped poison is sodium fluoride or a derivative.
Our degree of contamination is directly proportional to the level of water we drink.

Let’s for the moment ignore that sodium fluoride isn’t naturally occurring and has long been recognized as one of the most toxic elements on earth, is a by-product of aluminum manufacturing, used in atomic bomb production, manufacturing of high grade uranium and plutonium for nuclear weapons.

It’s banned outright in France, Germany, Austria, Luxembourg, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Italy, Belgium, Japan, China, The Netherlands and numerous informed US and Canadian cities.

Earning a Level 4 rating, compared to a Level 3 rating for Lead, with the Clinical Toxicity of Commercial Products Guide. It’s also the reason your Fluoridated tooth paste comes with that nasty little warning label to call the poison control center in case you swallow any.

But can we afford to ignore the profound work of a committed group of scientists, lawyers and professional employees at EPA? USEPA was alarmed with fluoride toxicity and professional ethics and reviewed toxicity data since 1985 and concurred that “ the most recent toxicity data demonstrate to us a causative link between fluoride exposures and neurotoxicity, including diminished IQ in children, hyperactivity, genetic damage, bone pathology, increased hip fractures, and bone cancer in addition to dental fluorosis.

They voted unanimously to join forces with California Citizens for Safe Drinking to stop fluoridation.

The Journal of Brain Research conducted a 52 week study in 1998 to determine whether the effects of aluminum in the nervous system would enhance or inhibit bioavailability. Their determination was that the impact on brain tissue was similar to pathological changes found in patients with Alzheimers and dementia, most remarkable was that the studies indicated that even the lowest doses of aluminum fluoride caused the greatest susceptibility to illness and incidence of mortality.

Dr Phyllis Mullenix, former head of Toxicology of Forsythe Dental Center in Boston, now a critic of fluoride, concluded that fluoride is a powerful central nervous system toxin aversely effecting the human brain.

Dr Roger Master, President of Foundation for Neuroscience and Society of Dartmouth University linked fluoride and lead in children suggesting fluoride enhanced the body’s uptake in lead from environmental sources.

Evidence is overwhelming that fluoride is considered causative in hip fractures, arthritis, osteoporosis, neurological and cerebrovascular disease, and as a bone seeking toxin destroys collagen in bones, tendons, muscles, skin, cartilage, lungs and kidneys.

How did fluoride become so popular you ask?

Simplistically 1920's and 1930's fluoride fell into negative public opinion, regulations and lawsuits against it’s damages. To reverse public opinion and find an acceptable source of disposing of a toxin severe damage control was needed. At that time the Public Health Service fell under the jurisdiction of the treasury secretary . Andrew J Mellon was the treasury secretary from 1920 until 1931.

He was also the founder and billionaire head of Aluminum Corporation of America (ALCOA). In 1931 Public Health Service and ALCOA sponsored research and created self-serving “instant science” that fluoride reduced cavities. During World War 11 Public Health Service pushed for mandatory fluoridation and miraculously transformed the image of a curse into a blessing, found a source to dispose of their toxic waste, and realized a substantial monetary gain by demanding that fluoride be dumped into the nations water.

Mass medication-poisoning is evil, socialistic and in this case idiotic. . Let’s be accountable for individual choice of poisons, whether tobacco, alcohol or fluoride.

Fluoridation, mandated by governments and rejected by communities

In point of fact, fluorine causes more human cancer death, and causes it faster, than any other chemical." -- Dean Burk, chief chemist emeritus at the U.S. National Cancer Institute

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