Friday, September 23, 2011

Denver Terrorist Exercise And Elite Have Left Dodge

A Massive Terror Exercise has started today(23rd) in Denver Colorado.

I can confirm most of the Elite of the world will be out of their offices or have nothing scheduled starting this week/weekend.

This includes for some bizarre reason the House and Senate of the U.S., going on recess, even though they just now got back from a month long recess.

Here are all the links and information - that I have been able to dig up so far.
So it is not just rumor - but the sites confirm schedules.
I have not been able to pin point - the Russian/German/French government schedules, nor Clinton's schedule etc.

I have also looked at royalty sites and have not been able to find their schedules (Norway, Monaco, etc)

Here is what I have found:

NOTE: Let's just hope it's a coincidence.

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