Last Monday, in Albuquerque, a man gave chase to a pedophile who had abducted a six-year-old girl. The pedophile eventually crashed his van, fled, and was arrested. The child was rescued unharmed.
This story didn't reach the national media until Friday when it emerged that the hero, Antonio Diaz Chacon, 24, was an undocumented alien.
On Friday, NBC National News aired this report which expressed the hope that Chacon would someday "have a home where he is already a hometown hero."
The day before, Thursday, President Obama suspended all deportations of illegal aliens, saying each case will be examined individually. Coincidence?
Obviously the Illuminati-controlled mass media are advancing the Communist plan to disinherit Americans of European origin by making them a minority and creating racial strife.
NOTE: The old phrase "divide and conquer" is what rips people and nations apart. My personal views on illegal aliens is different that most people. Are they the "problem" or are they just the SYMPTOM of a greater problem?
I see the explosive state programs as the problem and people of all colors take advantage of it. People of all colors and nationalities also are highly productive, ethical and work hard. What difference does it make if a person is in this country illegally or not, IF THEY CONTRIBUTE TO THE ECONOMY?
The chant about they take JOBS FROM AMERICANS is absurd, most Americans are too lazy to take the pathetic, back breaking, hard labor jobs that most illegals begin with. American "jobs" are being sent to other countries and have nothing to do with illegals.
What the massive welfare, CPS programs etc create are huge, parasitic government employment that do NOT contribute to the economy.
Fix the problem, don't blame the symptom.
When the programs are controlled, the symptom of abusers will become more apparent.
Take a look at most illegals. They are hard working, dress nicely, are family oriented, treat their children and elders with love and respect, work hard and many are business owners,
Take the politics and agendas OUT of the illegal issue, do your own research and see what you discover.
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