Monday, July 9, 2012

Will Gun Confiscation begin with Debtors’ Courts?

As more and more jobs continue to leave the United States, there are fewer and fewer people paying taxes and making purchases within our economy as consumers, which means less business for small businesses and less taxes being paid by them, hence further layoffs and a continuance of the US economic spiral downward.

The corporate cabals, though they too are seeing reductions in revenues within the US, are being compensated via their operations in other countries. This is how the corporate elite conquer a country. This is the same technique used by the big international corporate farms to put the family farmers out of business.

They will move into an area wherein the farmers’ main cash crop is, say something like olives. They will then not only put every acre they have in the United States capable of growing an olive to that use, but also every acre they have around the world. The price of olives on the world market that the US farmer is forced to compete in plunges. Thus the crop fails to sustain the family farm.

The farmer goes into bankruptcy and the big corporate farm buys up that land at a fraction of its worth and then adjusts the global corporate production to make the land profitable again. And do not forget to add foreign slave labor to the equation when examining the cabal the US entrepreneur is up against.

This has been and is a deliberate effort by the global elite to destroy the US economy and capture our land. It has been successful to the point that the corporate elite, in taking over the court system in the United States, is now bringing back debtors’ prisons, which will facilitate the US national not only being fully dispossessed, but also being made a bonded corporate slave upon the land he or she owned but a few short years ago.

I personally expect to see, as a part of these corporate debtors’ courts through the examination of assets, a provision that will allow the confiscation of privately owned firearms for the purpose of satisfying the debtors’ obligation to the corporations of which, as previously mentioned, will have been crafted through international monopolies and out and out fraud.

We will soon see US FEMA camps being filled with paupers as the local jails and prisons go out of business via lack of funding. I don’t have to tell anyone that we are seeing the end game in an absolute corporate takeover of the United States across the board.

What land cannot be taken through monopolization will be seized and made nonproductive through the implementation of international environmental laws through Agenda 21. The end goal is absolute world slavery for the majority and the status of gods for the chosen few.

This article is factual and the content undeniable. Stand on your feet and fight or die a long slow miserable death on your knees.

God bless the Republic, death to the international corporate mafia, we shall prevail.

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