Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Police State Protects Banksters & Corruption, Not You

When we seen Scott Olson being seriously wounded by a rubber bullet in Oakland by the Cops. When we see Denver Police just attack people at random peaceably assembling. When we see people arrested at a bank in New York for just closing their accounts. We see the Military and FEMA conducting drills to control civil unrest. When we see the TSA groping old ladies. People are put on special list because the government does not like their political persuasion. Soon they cannot buy a gun, fly and soon will not be able to get a job because the government blackballed them. When homeland security puts out publications for local police to classify certain groups of people who advocate a free society and honest money over government intervention as political subversives. The government has turns its guns on the people because the government declared us the enemy now and not the real criminals in the system. What was legal is now against the law. Evil is now good and good is now evil. We seen this at the WTO conference in Seattle in 2000 of the Police Protecting the thieves in three piece suits. We seen this again recently in Pittsburgh at the G20 conference. Police abusing people, protecting the Robber Barons from the people who are victim of their crimes.

These police state is been planned and orchestrated by the bankers and corporate robber barons for one reason. When they implode the economy and loot the wealth of the nation through the force of government. They want to make sure the people are disarmed and without defense . That is not working at all. The popularity of the private gun ownership is on the rise. That will be a problem for them. They worked to put a grid in place to make sure the people of this nation never bring the politicians, bankers and corporate robber barons to justice.

So if you are one of those people who think police using brute force in the name of the war on crime,terrorism and drugs is a good thing. It has nothing to do with it at all. A police state is not there for our own safety. It is for our own demise so we never stand up to the criminality in high places with low IQ goons being their rear guard.

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