Friday, November 4, 2011

Acute Leukemia Cases Spiking UP In Japan

【拡散希望】 近所の病院に勤める知り合いのコメントです。 「最近病院で、急性白血病が多すぎる。前は悪性リンパ腫 ばっかりだったのに。マジです。気のせいじゃ無い。 そのうち科学的裏付けが取れたら騒がれるんだろうな。 血液疾患診てるとこは絶対にみんな感じてるはず。」 シャレにならない

A medical staff of a hospital leaks information.

As the person says, the case of acute leukemia is unusually increasing. It used to be lymphoma malignum most of the cases.

This is too obvious to ignore. Not a negligible scale of a change.

One day, if it’s proved scientifically, it would be a massive scandal.

All the hemodyscrasia experts must share the same impression. This is not a joke.


Ionizing Radiation Diseases
Once radionuclides are released into the environment they circulate and are carried with the winds until they become part of the soil and food chain. They land in our drinking water, are on the pastures that our livestock graze on, are on our vegetables and in our fruit trees.

This is particularly dangerous for humans because we are at the top of the food chain, where the higher concentrations of radionuclides are.

Most Common Diseases From Ionizing Radiation:

* leukemia
* heart disorders
* lymphoma
* solid tumors or any organ
* bone & blood disorders
* lung cancer
* breast cancer
* endocrine disruption
* reproductive abnormalities
* accelerated aging process
* birth defects
* congenital malformations
* kidney, liver damage

These diseases and mutations don't stop with us. If ionizing radiation enters our genes, not only does it cause irreversible damage to this generation, but to future generations, as evidenced by children being born years after Chernobyl.

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