Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Radiation Induced Depression

Long distance radiation harms the physical body primarily through free radical damage. Free radicals are molecules which have unpaired electrons, and when the body is exposed to radiation, huge amounts of free radicals are produced in the system. "In fact," Dr. Barry Sears writes, "the best example of a rapid overproduction of free radicals occurs in victims exposed to atomic radiation."

Radiation directly affects the brain through free radical attack. Free radicals cause massive damage in the body, disrupting chemical processes by robbing electrons from other molecules throughout the organism. Free radical damage has a long list of symptoms, and one of those side effects is fat oxidation. Dr. Barry Sears notes: "the brain is exceptionally vulnerable to free radical attack. Fifty per cent of the dry weight of the brain is lipid, and about one-third of the lipid is composed of polyunsaturated essential fatty acids making it the most likely target for free radical attack." When oxidization alters essential fatty acids, it affects the very composition of the brain itself.

Radiation induces depression, not only by attacking the brain directly, but by promoting undesirable hormonal imbalances in the brain. Oxidation produced by free radicals ruins the essential fatty acids as raw materials that the body needs for hormone production. If hormones, such as serotonin and endorphins required for maintaining mental health are disrupted, depression will result

NOTE: Free radical damage can be greatly reduced by taking foods or nutrients rich in antioxidants. My favorites are:

Antioxidant Powders
Apple Pectin
Rice Bran

We take some of these daily and will do so for the rest of our lives, as the half life of most of the radioactivity will last thousands of years.

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