Among the conditions associated with or that can be triggered by vaccinations are:
skin allergies
bladder infections
thyroid disease
Addison's disease
immunological disorders
sensitivity to pollen or allergens
Guillain-Barre syndrome
multiple sclerosis
aseptic meningitis
severe injection site inflammation
bipolar psychiatric disorder
diabetes mellitus
systemic lupus erythematosus.
Many doctors have attributed the current epidemic of auto-immune diseases and cancers to the experimental injection of vaccines. An autoimmune disease is defined as any disease that is characterized by abnormal functioning of the immune system that causes your immune system to produce antibodies against your own tissues.
If the ingredients aren't scary enough there is more. Many of the vaccines use attenuated vaccines which are a live but weakened form of a pathogenic virus, such as Swine flu, Kennel Cough, Parvo, Rabies etc. Attenuated vaccines can be particularly deadly.
When a vaccine containing a live virus is injected into a person or animal, the viral organism moves through the body with the potential of infecting the host and then exits through the feces, mucus membranes, sweat & saliva glands of the infected person or animal, thus spreading the disease and causing the disease that the vaccine was designed to “prevent”. This is called Virus Shedding and can last for weeks and in some cases months. Google for “attenuated vaccines” for more information.
Who would really want to risk their health, or their animals health, by injecting attenuated vaccines into their bloodstream in the hope it will immunize them?
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