Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Fukushima Plutonium Meets Chemtrail Barium

Assuming you already know Fukushima is a "dirty bomb" aimed at the US, I suggest that it is not the perpetrators intention that California, Oregon etc. be permanently contaminated with plutonium as are villages downwind of Chernobyl.

What they want it to reduce our population and degrade the health and level of functioning of the survivors, but to save the prime real estate in habitable condition for themselves.

To accomplish this they are sending enduring plutonium over in small quantities only to create a weapons factory in the sky from which will come highly unstable (short-half-life) radioactive isotopes of barium and lanthanum. These isotopes will be produced in this way:

The plutonium emits at very high speed heavy particles consisting of two neutrons and two protons in nuclear bond. These "bullets" are called alpha particles, and they only slow down by colliding with other matter. The closer the target to the plutonium atom that emits the alpha particle the greater the probability of it being hit hard.

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