Saturday, March 19, 2011

Nuclear Fallout Map

- Senior Meteorologist Kevin Martin is upset at Accuweather using what credibility they have left for scare tactics, developing a more realistic fallout map.

Accuweather released a statement that radiation from Japan's Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant would reach the United States and cause a serious concern.

"We are humans and thrive on doom, however we need to calm down and think things over before scaring the living daylights out of people like Accuweather is doing," Martin said. "The only concern is the area around the facility, which is why people are being evacuating".

Accuweather Meteorologist Jim Andrews warns about particles on the ground in a release on Monday. "Although such a cloud would pose virtually no threat while in the upper atmosphere, the fallout at the ground of radioactive particles from it should be a concern for any monitoring authority", he stated.

Martin has things to say about that.

"The activity will be dispersed over a wide area, but that concentration would be so low that it would go virtually undetectable due to wind shear in the atmosphere, tearing the particles apart", he said. "This is like throwing a bag of feathers in the air and thinking all of them will float a mile with the wind. Particles are heavy, so I would think most of them would stay around the facility; and if they come east, would only go between Japan and Hawaii before sinking back down".

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