Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Just Label It! Sesame Street Style

The Health Ranger does Sesame Street?

You'll immediately notice this video is different from anything I've done previously. I've written this in more of a "Sesame Street" style of music education, hoping the video will appeal to children and school teachers. We've also added captions to the video to assist those who are hearing impaired.

The video features my new "muppet" named "Shelby the Chef." Shelby is a character we plan to use for food education videos in the near future. Shelby is a unique, full-sized muppet / puppet that was custom created for Natural News by a skilled puppetry artist.

The music video encourages people to vote for Proposition 37 in California, the ballot measure mandating labeling of GMOs. It also includes a text note about how Whole Foods continues to knowingly sell unlabeled GMOs in all of its stores.

And yes, in case you were wondering, I did all the vocals in the song, including the low-octave harmony voice and the high voices. There's no trickery to it, and I never use auto-harmonizers. I simply lay down multiple tracks over and over again until the harmony sounds right.

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