Baby boomers now in the sights of predators
You could be the victim of human trafficking under the control of a “guardianship or conservator“. Did you work hard all your life? Did you save and invest? Did you live below your means and pay off your home or property? Were you prepared for your senior years by
constructing a will? Designating heirs and
the person who was to administer your estate once you had passed on? Well congratulations! Thanks to all your hard work, planning and saving, you too could become the victim of the human trafficking rings operating across the country!

Disabled? Vulnerable adult? They have you in their sites too! You could be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars just in inflated institutional billing, billing for non-existent services, pharmacological testing, for doctor services never rendered, for rehabilitation services never supplied. It happens every day and not one of our elected officials will even acknowledge what they know to be true.
Human trafficking is a world wide business and encompasses children, women and vulnerable or aging adults. These individuals are used for sex and/or for profit. Here in the US, a system of corrupt probate courts, predatory guardians who are strangers to the family and victim, attorneys who make their living preying on targeted individuals, operates with what is an apparent protection provided not only by state officials, but also federal officials.
S. 2077: Elder Protection and Abuse Prevention Act, authored by Sen. Al Franken of Minnesota, while acknowledging that elder abuse and exploitation does occur, fails to address the underlying issues and instead simply expands Adult Protective Services agencies which are pivotal in the ongoing abuse and exploitation.
This bill will do nothing to stop the rampant epidemic of the targeting of the “aging with assets” that professional predators look for.
We do not need more reporting to agencies, which has been shown to be absolutely worthless with regards to reporting the ongoing exploitation of the elderly by professional predators. What is needed is enforced criminal penalties for the exploitation of the elderly by professional predatory guardians, payrolling attorney’s and corrupt probate judges.
The judges, most of whom have no legal training, throw binding legal documents out such as wills, trusts and advance preparations for medical care and control and also dismiss durable powers of attorney set up long before the victim was targeted.
Once the judge voids all standing, pre-arranged legal instruments, the estate is handed over to the predatory guardian who now, for some reason, owns the victim as “property” and by extension, all of the victims assets. Reporting these judicial activities to upper level courts, your states attorney general or any of the FBI, the DoJ, or even your state representatives is futile.
Note, as example: On November 2, 2011 a pre-arranged meeting with Senator Amy Klobachur was to take place. Sen. Klobachur was then sitting on the committee on aging and the elderly. Six individuals flew in from around the country to Washington DC to meet with the senator. The Senator never showed up. No apology was ever issued, nor any valid reason given as to why she did not appear as promised. No communications from Senator Klobachur have occurred since that time.
They know, but are not about to change this lucrative system
Exploitation means that a person in a position of trust knowingly, by deception and intimidation, obtains and uses or tries to obtain and use a vulnerable person’s funds, assets, or property. This includes failure to use the vulnerable person’s income and assets to provide for the necessities required for that person’s care.In 2009, there were 6 million instances of elder abuse reported nationwide, and only 23.5% of cases are reported due to a lack of screening, awareness, and prevention efforts. It is estimated that seniors lose a minimum of $2.9 billion each year to financial abuse and exploitation, and victims experience a mortality rate that is three times higher than those who are not victims of elder abuse. (Emphasis Mine)
What needs to be stopped is the forced medication using psychotropic drugs not approved for use on the elderly, to make them appear incompetent. Drugs such as Zypreza and Seroqel are used routinely to render the victim dysfunctional. These drugs, administered in doses as high as 400MG per day are “handler” drugs. They do not benefit the patient, but simply render them comatose for all intents and purposes.
At this dose, the victim is still breathing but is not actually conscious. These particular drugs are not meant to cure, manage or slow any mental issues. They are simply a means to rendering the victim the same as dead, but still breathing.
The “caretakers” are at this point, relieved of having to actually care for the patient as the victim cannot speak, raise their head up or move of their own volition and won’t be making any demands for attention or care. As an added perk…….they can’t file a complaint either or report their abuse and neglect to anyone.
In lesser doses, these drugs make the victim appear incompetent, unable to articulate their thoughts, to answer questions they should and do know the answers to, or to even perform minimal personal functions.
These drugs cause massive and intended mental dulling and confusion. It is in this state that targeted victims are brought into the kangaroo probate courts, supposedly as evidence that they are not competent to care for themselves. Most often these victims appear to be extremely drunk and rambling. Drowsiness, mental confusion, dizziness and fatigue along with seizures and hallucinations and body tremors are common with these drugs. Sudden cessation of medicating with these drugs can cause heart failure and sudden death.
Dead in the Law
Probate can become active only upon the presentation of a death certificate to the court. Anyone who becomes a “ward of the state” is now dead in the law and for all intents and purposes, this wardship, whatever its title, is a defacto death certificate. Dead in the law means:
- They are no longer a legally recognized human being; no longer a person
- they have no civil or constitutional rights and
- have no right to claim power over their estates.
- They are now “property”.
- A commodity.
- A source of revenue.
We are guaranteed our rights regardless of whether or not the states have retained the right to due process in their state statutes. Many states such as Iowa and Colorado for example, have removed the right to due process from conservator/guardianship statutes. This does not mean those rights no longer exist. It does mean that the state is allowing the disregarding of not only its own constitution, but also the federal constitution, both of which declare that we have the right to due process.
But try to find a judge that is remotely concerned with either of these constitutions or the rights of the individual or a state legislator who will work to correct this.
Expanding or increasing funding for these agencies will not correct the underlying problems.
While statutes, laws and regulations are on the books in every state regarding the treatment and care of the elderly or vulnerable adults, these laws are routinely broken by the predators and those working in tandem with them.
Every one involved from the probate judge, predatory guardian, malicious attorney, federal and state agencies charged with protecting the elderly, the participating facility(s) (which are most likely making a killing on inflated billings for services never rendered) …..every one of these begins tapping the estate until it is totally depleted.
The fraud occurring in elder abuse in the medical industry alone is staggering. Just this week abclocal reported: LOS ANGELES (KABC) — Government officials say more than 100 people in seven different U.S. cities have been arrested in a historic nationwide crackdown on Medicare fraud.
The arrests included doctors, nurses and other licensed medical professionals for their alleged participation in Medicare fraud schemes. The bust was the latest in a string of major arrests in the past two years, as investigators target fraud that is believed to be costing the government between $60 billion and $90 billion a year.
: The 107 health care professionals, also including social workers and owners of health care companies, charged Wednesday worked in Miami, Tampa, Chicago, Detroit, Houston, Los Angeles and Baton Rouge.
Isolate and medicate
In every state, statutes exist to prohibit the isolation of the victim. Supposedly, every effort must be taken to ensure that family, friends, advocates and even clergy have reasonable visitation with the victim. Yet, in every state these statutes are routinely ignored as elderly victims are held in isolation, forcibly medicated and not allowed to have visits from anyone other than the predatory guardian until the estate can be relieved of all of its assets.
What really needs to happen……..but never will
Not one public official will ever write a bill to actually stop the trafficking of the elderly who committed the crime of “aging with assets”. And even if they did……they would not stand a rats chance in a deacon box of ever getting it passed.
That bill would include among many other things:
1. No one should be allowed to “own” another human being.
2. “Ward of the State” should not mean loss of lawful existence and rights as a human being. the State should actually work to protect the vulnerable from the predators instead of enabling them.
3. False allegations launched against family members or others who attempt to protect the victim from the predator, should never be accepted as evidence in the courts only on the hearsay of the predator who stands to profit from this human trafficking. Many times these false allegations are declared to be “unfounded” but remain on the open case as if they were in fact, true.
4. Probate courts should be monitored and judicial malfeasance immediately prosecuted.
5. Prosecute any doctor who prescribes off-label uses of medications on elderly and vulnerable victims meant to render them incapacitated.
6. Review all cases of guardianship’s and determine how much in cash and assets was actually stolen from the victims by the predators.
7. Return the victims estate.
8. Prosecute the thieves.
Until our government actually prosecutes the predators instead of protecting and enabling them, none of us is safe. I applaud the efforts of the DoJ this week but still wonder when a nation-wide crackdown and arrests of predatory guardians who have gotten rich from kidnapping, isolating and terminating elderly victims so that their estate can be looted, will occur. It probably won’t occur as long as any of us are left out here with estates worth killing for. Human trafficking: it ain’t just for sex anymore!
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