Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Electronic Stalking

This is the first part of a six part essay by Nicholas Kirkland which overviews the means and methods employed by governments and some powerful organizations, to psychotronically harass and torture innocent people; and the complicity of law enforcement in that endeavor. This essay is one of the more thorough and cogent explanations that I've read to date that reveiws all aspects of psychotronic assault and its impact upon the victim.

There is an urgent need for science professionals of decency and morality to step up to the plate and not only assist victims of psychotronic torture to unmask this activity, but to help discover countermeasures to thwart and countervene these assaults. There is no greater "crime against humanity" than psychotronic torture and harassment. It must be stopped and its perpetrators brought to justice. – Ken Adachi, Educate-Yourself.org]

'In recent years, scientists have learned how to locate by remote, focus on, and lock into a person’s brain to manipulate that person’s thoughts and thus his actions. Mind control assaults now loom as one of the main challenges of the 21st century. The targeted person often never discovers that he has become a mind control victim, and he ends up hurting others, taking his own life, or simply becoming another “Alzheimer” statistic. This paper discusses some of the elements of what I call Electronic Stalking and Mind Control (ESMC).

While writing this paper, the people who monitor me electronically and continually interfere with my computer and emails and tap my phones, often entered my PC to make changes in the narrative to discourage me and try to make me look crazy. Keeping the paper intact and ensuring accuracy has been a constant battle. Even now, after finishing the paper, when I go back to add a salient point, I often find that a portion has been altered or deleted. Powerful forces do not want papers such as this one written and disseminated.'

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