Friday, February 25, 2011

Making Hash Of TSA

"We have posted signs on our doors basically saying that [employees of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA)] aren’t allowed to come into our business," says a woman calling herself KC McLawson who works at "a cafe near Seattle-Tacoma International Airport." She and her boss, the policy’s author, became instant heroes after KC contacted "consumer advocate and journalist" Christopher Elliott and pseudonymously discussed the restaurant’s resolve: "Their kind aren’t welcomed in our establishment."

1 comment:

  1. This is a great way to show ones disapproval of any government agency. Even though they don't seem to think we pay their salary and we are their bosses, its time we showed them we don't want them to be in the businesses we go to. If they insist on taking our rights away, we need to take away their rights to be around us. Do unto others as they do unto you!!
