Tokyo Metropolitan Government to Subsidize Tours to Fukushima Only Next Year
Did you even know that the Tokyo Metropolitan government had such a program?
Not satisfied enough by accepting and burning disaster debris of varying radiation levels from Iwate and Miyagi Prefecture (in case of the Miyagi debris, it is to be burned all over Tokyo) and collecting fat fees for "facilitating" the effort, the Tokyo Metropolitan government will now focus on the tourism industry in Fukushima Prefecture. It will subsidize tourists who will visit Fukushima, starting the next fiscal year which will start on April Fool's Day.
From Yomiuri Shinbun (1/11/2011):
The Tokyo Metropolitan government has decided to subsidize tourists who will visit Fukushima Prefecture starting the next fiscal year [that will start on April 1]. Tourists who visit on a day trip will be given 1,500 yen [about US$20], and tourists who stay overnight will be given 3,000 yen [about US$40] per night up to two nights.
It is part of the measures [by the Tokyo Metropolitan government] to support Fukushima Prefecture who suffers decrease in the number of tourists to the prefecture because of the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant accident. The subsidy will be given to people who live, work or go to school, in Tokyo who book tours through travel agencies.
This fiscal year, the Tokyo Metropolitan government has been subsidizing the tourists who go to the three disaster-affected prefectures including Iwate and Miyagi with 3,000 yen per night. However, the tourism recovery in Fukushima Prefecture has been slow, and the Tokyo government will subsidize the tourists to Fukushima only in the next fiscal year.
Travel agencies, if they are like other businesses in Japan, will inflate the package price. The government bureaucrats will be the last people to take any responsibility in the future for any ill effect on health for promoting the destination whose air radiation levels easily exceed 1 microsievert/hour in many locations.
Caveat emptor.
Or as Professor Hayakawa of Gunma University often comments, "If you don't educate yourself now and fast, you'll die."
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