Saturday, December 3, 2011

Quartering Troops In Our Homes?

'We do not hear much about the third amendment in the Bill of Rights. We are so concerned about our 1st,2nd,4th ,5th, 6th,7th, 8th, 9th and 10th amendment being trampled on. We talk about the illegal check points on the highways, without a search warrant wiretapping our phones and the TSA groping us. We are all up in arms about these abuses of power by the Federal government. We are fed up with the tyranny We all want the Patriot act repealed and the Department of Homeland Security dismantled. The Third amendment being violated without hesitation will kill what is left of our privacy we enjoy in the comfort in our own homes once and for all.

On Thursday night on Dec 1, 2011, the US Senate voted to end the right to due process by a vote 93-7 passing S-1867. Now the US Military can now arrest American citizens who may be dissidents. The Bill of Rights is now shredded. Now they might do the final blow to all the bill of right violating the final amendment in the Bill of Rights. How you may say since they violate our rights daily.

They might violate us again by forcing us to quarter troops in our homes against our will. There is a strong possibility this can happen as another way to control the people in places were the citizens are disarmed. Think about it, our own living space, the last bastion of privacy is taken away by quartering a soldier in our homes against our consent.'

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