Saturday, April 23, 2011

Our Lives Have Forever Changed

Think of vibrations breaking glass, that is what happens at a cellular level, in your body, from ionizing radiation.

Ionizing radiation is insidious, these large subatomic particles travel until they are stopped.

Your skin can easily stop them.

Once they are ingested, inhaled, or enter your body through a cut, their grotesque potent force cuts through your body like knife through butter, into the cells, blood or other organs, impacting other organs and leaving behind hideous, shocking damage.

A single alpha particle from Plutonium, Uranium, Americium or Radon can deliver a huge blast of radiation inside your body. This radiation energy can destroy your genetic material at a cellular level.

Some people are more susceptible than others:

* Those who are already sick
* Those who have weak immune systems
* The elderly
* Children, babies & the unborn

Most Common Diseases From Ionizing Radiation:

* leukemia
* lymphoma
* solid tumors or any organ
* bone & blood disorders
* lung cancer
* breast cancer
* endocrine disruption
* reproductive abnormalities
* accelerated aging process
* birth defects
* congenital malformations
* kidney, liver damage

These diseases and mutations don't stop with us. If ionizing radiation enters our genes, not only does it cause irreversible damage to this generation, but to future generations, as evidenced by children being born years after Chernobyl.

To convince the public that nuclear energy is safe governments have radiation exposure limits:

* permissible radiation levels
* allowable radiation levels
* legal radiation levels

These levels are reached during routine operations or during emergencies and are found in the ground water, tap water, vegetables, milk, animals and humans.

They are permitted under law, but are they really safe?

There is much you can do to protect yourself & future generations, until the powers that be feel like containing this monster. And even then, the only protection that we can back off on will be for the Thyroid, since Iodine 131 has just 8 days half life, while Plutonium is over 24,000 years.

Our lives have forever changed.


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